domingo, 6 de novembro de 2016



Ivanka Trump Made A Big Order From A Top Jeweler. Their Response Is PRICELESS

The Lady Grey jewelry company taught the world a lesson in responsible business – something that Republican nominee Donald Trump could certainly do – when his daughter Ivanka went to order a custom-made ear-cuff from the world-famous makers of luxurious accessories.
Jill Martinelli and Sabine Le Guyader, the designers of Lady Grey jewlery, were quite happy to prepare her order for her, but not so happy to accept her money. Instead, they took the profits from her ear cuff and donated them to The American Immigration Council, the Everytown for Gun Safety Organization, and the Hillary Clinton campaign, letting the world know with this post on Instagram.
In an interview with the Cut magazine, the designers said that “While we were flattered to receive an order from Ivanka Trump, our social and political views couldn’t be further from those of the Trump campaign. When we received her order, we instantly felt compelled to take the money and donate it to a few organizations that were more aligned with our ideals.”
Given that Ivanka herself has donated extensively to Democrats throughout her life – including to Hillary Clinton’s first campaign for the presidency in 2008 – we think she’ll probably approve of this move. Her father, on the other hand, most likely now thinks that Lady Grey is a terrible jewelry brand that was never successful and he could start a much better jewelry company himself.

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