quarta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2021


Daniil Simkin (born 12 October 1987) is a Russian-born ballet dancer and principal dancer with American Ballet Theatre and Berlin State Ballet.

Simkin's parents Dmitrij Simkin and Olga Aleksandrova are also ballet dancers. The family left the Soviet Union in 1990. 

His parents were engaged to dance in Graz, then took engagements in various cities in Germany before settling in Wiesbaden in 1993, where he spent the rest of his childhood. 

From the age of six he often appeared onstage, dancing alongside his father.

COMENTÁRIO DO BLOGUEIRO. "My way", aqui cantada por Frank Sinatra é uma composição do cantor/compositor francês Claude François. Título original: "Comme d´habitude".

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